External Influences - Society

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Working Paper: Understanding Rural Teacher Recruitment and the Role of Community Amenities

This paper is the first attempt to test the community amenity hypotheses in a multivariate framework using administrative data on teacher employment patterns.

Miller, L. C. (2012). Understanding rural teacher recruitment and the role of community amenities. Journal of Research in Rural Education27(13), 1-52.


Data Mining

What is the United States adult literacy rate in relationship to other nations?
This analysis compares literacy rates in the United States to 208 other nations.
States, J. (2011). What is the United States adult literacy rate in relationship to other nations? Retrieved from what-is-united-states.



Culture Mapping: A Functional Analysis of the Education Culture Landscape

This paper presents a culture map of national cultural values and beliefs that impact critical decisions in our education system, including how decisions are made and how they are implemented.

Keyworth, R. (2014). Culture Mapping: A Functional Analysis of the Education Culture Landscape [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2014-calaba-presentation-randy-keyworth.

The Importance and Challenges of Bridging the Culture Gap

This paper defines school culture change as a "wicked problem", exacerbated by its incredible complexity, interdependence of variables and stakeholders, and “messy” solutions.

Keyworth, R. (2014). The Importance and Challenges of Bridging the Culture Gap [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2014-wing-presentation-intro-randy-keyworth.

Today's Education Environment: Establishing a Context for Leadership
This paper identifies seven obstacles that must be overcome to build effective school leadership: inertia, inequity, politics, culture, preparation, turnover, and sustainability.
Keyworth, R. (2015). Today's Education Environment: Establishing a Context for Leadership [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2015-wing-presentation-part-1-randy-keyworth.
You Believe What? The Influence of Macro Contingencies on Individual School Cultures

Many of the contingencies that shape educator cultural values and beliefs occur outside of the school environment. This paper analyzes those contingencies and their influence on school culture change.

Keyworth, R. (2012). You Believe What? The Influence of Macro Contingencies on Individual School Cultures [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2012-aba-presentation-randy-keyworth.

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