Monitoring Overview

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A roadmap to evidence-based education: Building an evidence-based culture

Increasing education’s reliance on evidence to guide decisions requires a significant change in the culture of districts and schools. This paper reviews the implications of moving toward evidence-based education.

Detrich, R., Keyworth, R., & States, J. (2007). A Roadmap to Evidence-based Education: Building an Evidence-based Culture. Journal of Evidence-based Practices for Schools, 8(1), 26-44.

Change Leadership: Innovation in State Education Agencies

This paper identifies the critical role State Education Agencies play in successful school culture change and discusses a framework for "change leadership".

Redding, S. (2012). Change Leadership: Innovation in State Education Agencies Retrieved from ../../uploads/docs/Redding%20ChangeLeadership.pdf.

Overview: Formal Teacher Evaluation

The purpose of this overview is to provide information about the role of formal teacher evaluation, the research that examines the practice, and its impact on student outcomes.

Cleaver, S., Detrich, R. & States, J. (2018). Overview of Teacher Formal Evaluation. Oakland, CA: The Wing Institute.

Response to intervention: What it is and what it is not

Response to Intervention is a framework for determining the intensity of services that are necessary for a student to benefit from instruction. This paper addresses some of the misconceptions about RtI.

Detrich, R., States, J., & Keyworth, R. (2008). Response to Intervention: What it Is and What it Is Not. Journal of Evidence-based Practices for Schools, 9(2), 60-83.

Seeking the Magic Metric: Using Evidence to Identify and Track School System Progress

This paper discusses the search for a “magic metric” in education: an index/number that would be generally accepted as the most efficient descriptor of school’s performance in a district.

Celio, M. B. (2013). Seeking the Magic Metric: Using Evidence to Identify and Track School System Quality. In Performance Feedback: Using Data to Improve Educator Performance (Vol. 3, pp. 97-118). Oakland, CA: The Wing Institute.

Value-Added Research in Education: Reliability, Validity, Efficacy, and Usefulness

The purpose of this paper on value-added research in education is to define this type of research, provide an overview of how it has been conducted, and discuss its benefits and limitations.

Cleaver, S., Detrich, R. & States, J. (2020). Overview of Value-Added Research in Education: Reliability, Validity, Efficacy, and Usefulness. Oakland, CA: The Wing Institute.


Why Education Practices Fail?

This paper examines a range of education failures: common mistakes in how new practices are selected, implemented, and monitored. The goal is not a comprehensive listing of all education failures but rather to provide education stakeholders with an understanding of the importance of vigilance when implementing new practices.

States, J., & Keyworth, R. (2020). Why Practices Fail. Oakland, CA: The Wing Institute.


Data Mining

Does School Size Affect Student Performance?

This Wing Institute literature review analyzed 25 studies on the relationship between school size and student performance.

States, J. (2009). Does School Size Affect Student Performance? Retrieved from does-school-size-affect.

Does suspension impact student achievement and dropout rates?
The inquiry examines the impact of different forms of student suspension on student achievement and student drop out rates.
States, J. (2015). Does suspension impact student achievement and dropout rates? Retrieved from does-suspension-impact-student.
How does performance feedback affect the way teachers carry out interventions?
This analysis examined the impact of performance feedback on the quality of implementation of interventions.
Detrich, R. (2015). How does performance feedback affect the way teachers carry out interventions? Retrieved from how-does-performance-feedback.
How often are treatment integrity measures reported in published research?
This analysis examined the frequency that treatment integrity is reported in studies of research-based interventions.
Detrich, R. (2015). How often are treatment integrity measures reported in published research? Retrieved from how-often-are-treatment.
How well are Interventions Implemented in Educational Settings?
This analysis examined two studies to understand the reliability of self-reporting of practitioners implementing interventions.
Detrich, R. (2015). How well are Interventions Implemented in Educational Settings? Retrieved from how-well-are-interventions.
Is there empirical research to validate the use of prereferral intervention teams (PIT) to reduce special education referrals, achieve gains, or improve student conduct?
This is a review of a meta-analysis of Prereferral Intervention Teams on student and system outcomes.
States, J. (2011). Is there empirical research to validate the use of prereferral intervention teams (PIT) to reduce special education referrals, achieve gains, or improve student conduct? Retrieved from is-there-empirical-research.
What Is the Effect of Formative Evaluation on Student Achievement?
This review examines the effect size of the practice elements that comprise formative assessment.
States, J. (2011). What Is the Effect of Formative Evaluation on Student Achievement? Retrieved from what-is-effect-of869.
What is the impact of student absence on student performance?
This review examined the impact of student absences on student achievement.
States, J. (2009). What is the impact of student absence on student performance? Retrieved from what-is-impact-of857.
What is the United States adult literacy rate in relationship to other nations?
This analysis compares literacy rates in the United States to 208 other nations.
States, J. (2011). What is the United States adult literacy rate in relationship to other nations? Retrieved from what-is-united-states.



A Systems Approach to Feedback: What You Need to Know and Who Needs
This paper looks at feedback as a powerful systems approach to improving the performance of both student and school faculty.
States, J. (2011). A Systems Approach to Feedback: What You Need to Know and Who Needs [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2011-calaba-presentation-jack-states.
Change Leadership: Innovation in State Education Agencies

This paper identifies the critical role State Education Agencies play in successful school culture change and discusses a framework for "change leadership".

Redding, S. (2012). Change Leadership: Innovation in State Education Agencies [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2012-wing-presentation-sam-redding.

Data-based Decision Making: What to Know? and Who Needs to Know It?
This paper considers the benefits and obstacles to the effective use of data in making critical decisions in schools.
States, J. (2006). Data-based Decision Making: What to Know? and Who Needs to Know It? [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2009-calaba-presentation-jack-states.
Feedback as Education Reform: What We Know
This paper examines the power of feedback as a strategy for improving student performance. Types of feeback are explored building from student and teacher performance that can be aggregated to create a systems wide feedback tool.
States, J. (2011). Feedback as Education Reform: What We Know [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2011-aba-presentation-jack-states.
In God We Trust; All Others Must Bring Data

This paper discusses the importance of systematizing data-based decision making at all levels of school operation.

States, J. (2009). In God We Trust; All Others Must Bring Data [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2009-wing-presentation-jack-states.

Performance Feedback from a Global Perspective
This paper reviewed recent feedback on U.S. school performance from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).
Keyworth, R. (2011). Performance Feedback from a Global Perspective [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2011-wing-presentation-randy-keyworth.
Seeking the Magic Metric: Using Evidence to Identify and Track School System Progress

This paper discusses the search for a “magic metric” in education: an index/number that would be generally accepted as the most efficient descriptor of school’s performance in a district.

Celio, MB. (2011). Seeking the Magic Metric: Using Evidence to Identify and Track School System Progress [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2011-wing-presentation-mary-beth-celio.

Sustainability Through the Looking Glass: Shifting Contingencies Across Levels of a System

This presentation examines why so many educational interventions fail and offers strategies in increase the effective implementation that result in sustainable quality services.

States, J. (2008). Sustainability Through the Looking Glass: Shifting Contingencies Across Levels of a System [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2008-aba-presentation-jack-states.

Sustainability: Shifting Contingencies: What Works and What Doesn't

This paper analyzes the contingencies that increase the likelihood that eduction interventions will succeed.

States, J. (2009). Sustainability: Shifting Contingencies: What Works and What Doesn't [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2009-hice-presentation-jack-states.

Systems-Level Data-Based Decision Making for Evidence-Based Practice
This paper examines systems-level data-based decision making in the context of implementation of Response to Intervention (RtI) practices.
Tilly, D, III. (2009). Systems-Level Data-Based Decision Making for Evidence-Based Practice [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2008-wing-presentation-david-tilly.
The Role of Data-based Decision Making

This paper identifies the critical features required for developing and maintaining a systemic data-based decision making model aligned at all levels, beginning with an individual student in the classroom and culminating with policy makers.

States, J. (2009). The Role of Data-based Decision Making [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2009-campbell-presentation-jack-states.

The Role of Data-based Decision Making

This presentation examines the impact of data-based decision making in schools. It looks at the critical role data plays in building an evidence-based model for education that relies on monitoring for the reliable implementation of practices.

States, J. (2010). The Role of Data-based Decision Making [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2010-hice-presentation-jack-states.

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