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Feedback at the System Level: Benchmarking U.S. Education Performance

This analysis examines the performance of the U.S. K–12 education system over time, in comparison to other nations, and at different levels of organizational structure: states, school districts, and schools. It also reviews performance in terms of four societal outcomes: effectiveness, equity, efficiency, and participation.

Keyworth, R., States, J. & Detrich, R. (2013). Feedback at the System Level: Benchmarking U.S. Education Performance. In Performance Feedback: Using Data to Improve Educator Performance (Vol. 3, pp. 1-76). Oakland, CA: The Wing Institute.



Data Mining

Does suspension impact student achievement and dropout rates?
The inquiry examines the impact of different forms of student suspension on student achievement and student drop out rates.
States, J. (2015). Does suspension impact student achievement and dropout rates? Retrieved from does-suspension-impact-student.
Have NAEP math scores improved over the past 40 years of school reform?

This analysis examines long term math score trends in the United States.

Keyworth, R. (2010). Have NAEP math scores improved over the past 40 years of school reform? Retrieved from have-naep-reading-scores925.

Have NAEP math scores improved over the past 40 years of school reform?

This review examines 40 years of data for 4th, 8th, 12th grade math proficiency scores in the United States.

Keyworth, R. (2011). Have NAEP math scores improved over the past 40 years of school reform? Retrieved from have-naep-math-scores925.

Have NAEP reading scores improved over the past 40 years of school reform?
This analysis examines long term reading score trends in the United States.
Keyworth, R. (2010). Have NAEP reading scores improved over the past 40 years of school reform? Retrieved from have-naep-reading-scores924.
Have NAEP reading scores improved over the past 40 years of school reform?

This review examines 40 years of data for 4th, 8th, 12th grade reading proficiency scores in the United States.

Keyworth, R. (2011). Have NAEP reading scores improved over the past 40 years of school reform? Retrieved from have-naep-reading-scores924.

Have reading scores improved over 40-plus years of school reform?

This analysis examines long term reading score trends in the United States.

Keyworth, R. (2010). Have reading scores improved over 40-plus years of school reform? Retrieved from have-reading-scores-improved926.

How does math proficiency correlate with a student's socio-economic status?
This analysis examines the influence of poverty on student math performance across grade levels.
Keyworth, R. (2015). How does math proficiency correlate with a student's socio-economic status? Retrieved from how-does-math-proficiency.
How does reading proficiency correlate with a student's socio-economic status?
This analysis examines the influence of poverty on student reading performance across grade levels.
Keyworth, R. (2015). How does reading proficiency correlate with a student's socio-economic status? Retrieved from how-does-reading-proficiency.
How have American students been performing in reading over the past 20 years?

This review looks at trends in reading performance for a twenty year period.

States, J. (2010). How have American students been performing in reading over the past 20 years? Retrieved from how-have-american-students936.

How have American students been performing in reading over the past 20 years?

This review looks at trends in mathematics performance for a twenty year period.

States, J. (2010). How have American students been performing in reading over the past 20 years? Retrieved from how-have-american-students937.

Is the Average Enrollment of Schools Rising or Falling?
This analysis examined the average enrollment and percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary schools, by type and size in the selected years 1982-83 through 2005-06.
States, J. (2011). Is the Average Enrollment of Schools Rising or Falling? Retrieved from is-average-enrollment-of.
What are the most effective ways for teachers to teach reading?
This analysis examines the critical practice elements for effective teaching of reading. The piece also looks at practices that have been shown to be less effective.
States, J. (2011). What are the most effective ways for teachers to teach reading? Retrieved from what-are-most-effective.
What is the impact of school closure on student achievement?
This analysis examined students in Ohio that were affected by school closure. The data revealed closures disproportionately affected lower socio-economic students, low-achieving students, and students of color.
States, J. (2015). What is the impact of school closure on student achievement? Retrieved from what-is-impact-of813.
What percent of 4th grade students are reading below proficiency level?

This review examines at 17 years of data on 4th grade reading proficiency in the United States.

Keyworth, R. (2011). What percent of 4th grade students are reading below proficiency level? Retrieved from what-percent-of-4th.

What percent of 8th grade students are reading below proficiency level?

This review examines 17 years of data on 8th grade reading proficiency in the United States.

Keyworth, R. (2011). What percent of 8th grade students are reading below proficiency level? Retrieved from what-percent-of-8th.

What percent of Americans graduate from high school?
This analysis provides over 70 years of data on student graduation rates in the United States.
Gibson, S. (2009). What percent of Americans graduate from high school? Retrieved from what-percent-of-americans.



Evidence-based Education Policy: An Oxymoron

This paper examines the history, impact, and future of school reform in the context of empirical data, scientific research, and policy initiatives.

Keyworth, R. (2010). Evidence-based Education Policy: An Oxymoron [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2010-ucberkeley-guest-presentation-randy-keyworth.

Forty Years of Public School Reform: What the Data Tell Us
This paper examines the history, impact, and future of school reform in the context of empirical data, scientific research, and policy initiatives.
Keyworth, R. (2010). Forty Years of Public School Reform: What the Data Tell Us [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2010-capses-presentation-randy-keyworth.
From the Boutique to the Mainstream: The Role of Behavior Analysis in Education Reform
Much of the work in education by behavior analysts could be characterized as boutique programs. If we are to reform education we must be able to take our interventions to scale.
Detrich, R. (2010). From the Boutique to the Mainstream: The Role of Behavior Analysis in Education Reform [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2010-midaba-presentation-ronnie-detrich.
School Reform and Culture Change: What We Missed
This analysis reviews the ongoing failure of school reform efforts in the context of poor teacher preparation and performance feedback.
Keyworth, R. (2012). School Reform and Culture Change: What We Missed [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from 2012-wing-presentation-randy-keyworth.
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